It occurred to him that his scarcely perceptible attempts to struggle against what was considered good by the most highly placed people, those scarcely noticeable impulses which he had immediately suppressed, might have been the real thing, and all the rest false.

— Leo Tolstoy

No one has the right to demand that your body be something other than what it is.

— Agnostic Zetetic

The girl with a moustache' they called me every now and then'It's about time you wax your arms' those who 'cared' saidI faced the fears of the dreaded thread on my faceTo succumb every other week to the world's ways.

— Sanhita Baruah

How do you judge the professionals you patronize? Too many people judge them by display factors. Extra points are given to those who wear expensive clothes, drive luxury automobiles, and live in exclusive neighborhoods. They assume a professional is likely to be mediocre, even incompetent, if he lives in a modest home and drives a three-year-old Ford Crown Victoria. Very, very few people judge the quality of the professionals they use by net worth criteria. Many professionals have told us they must look successful to convince their customers/clients that they are.

— Thomas J. Stanley

One must conform to the baseness of an age or become neurotic.

— Robert Musil