People, imperfect and corruptible are society's building blocks. Political theories evading this reality are a catastrophe in waiting.

— A.E. Samaan

The world economy would collapse if a significant number of people were to realize and then act on the realization that it is possible to enjoy many if not most of the things that they enjoy without first having to own them.

— Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Socialists and Progressives confuse compassion and compulsion.

— A.E. Samaan

Marx called Darwin a plagiarist and Malthus a fraud. Now all Marxists are Malthusian Darwinists.

— A.E. Samaan

If collectivizing highly personal medical decisions is evil, then so follows that collectivized medicine is evil.

— A.E. Samaan

Socialists eat their children. The poets, artists, and radicals are murdered first once statists come into power. Statists abhor free thinking.

— A.E. Samaan

Defy the central planners. Upend their designs for your life. Be a staunch individualist. Stand on your rights.

— A.E. Samaan

If you demand the collective to pay for your medical expenses, then be prepared for the collective to demand to make your medical decisions for you.

— A.E. Samaan

American Progressives have declared war on the sanctity and autonomy of the individual.

— A.E. Samaan

Socialists try to convince us that the tea becomes sweet not because of sugar, but because of mixing.

— Janusz Korwin-Mikke