Be open in everything with your partner, because where there is secrecy, it can mistakenly come off as being sneaky; where you just may be innocently quiet.
— Anthony LiccioneAs much as we don’t want to except it, there is a time limit to the best life God tries to offer you. When you disrespect it, push it away, play games with it, deny it, ignore it, are casually indecisive about it or hold it like a last resort, God gives it away to someone else that will cherish it more.
— Shannon L. AlderIt is often very useful for others to think you less intelligent than you are,' Benedict said, his tone amused. 'It works particularly well against those who aren't as intelligent as you in the first place.
— Jim ButcherBeing dead means never having to do anything sneaky.
— Lawrence BlockSneaky would be a lime-green Volkswagen. Nobody would suspect the assassins in the lime-green Volkswagen.
— Adam RexBe prepared. A dog is adorable and noble.A dog is a true and loving friend. A dogis also a hedonist.
— Mary OliverA circle of friends, doesn't always keep perfect relationships.
— Anthony LiccioneWhen I met Millie, she was a hugger. She hugged over everything. I didn’t. We came to an agreement that hugs are reserved for prolonged partings and death. That’s it. At least, I thought that was our agreement. It seems like she’s figured out how to steal hugs more frequently. Millie’s turned into a hit and run hugger.
— H.M. Ward