What kind of impression are you leaving on people? Activate the ability for your first impression and last impression!

— John Di Lemme

As an entrepreneur, value creation will always be your first line of defense against business failure.

— Gregory V. Diehl

Your world is created by your words.

— Timi Nadela

A small businesses ability to gain an edge for a profitable niche is not by just focusing on the dynamic market gap, but by identifying a market within the gap.

— Wayne Chirisa

Don’t get me wrong. Government Contracting is difficult, but the help you give the government makes our country strong.

— Linda Rawson

Every small business has to become a publisher—a publisher of marketing messages and customer resources, and a publisher of stories.

— Jim Blasingame

You have to actively listen to your clients and provide the service they’re looking for!

— John Di Lemme

Why help make big companies bigger when you can get the same thing from the little guy and actually help someone accomplish their dream?

— Trevor D. Richardson

...When women gain control over spending, less family money is devoted to instant gratification and more for education and starting small businesses.

— Sheryl WuDunn

Many small businesses would rather face an angry barbarian horde than tackle their cash flow statement or price a new product.

— Nicole Fende