Work was intended not to give a man a reason to live, but rather to give him a means to live.
— Criss JamiIt always feels good and comforting to relax whilst there is work to be done but, it feels fulfilling to work hard, overcome slothfulness and challenges with tenacity and achieve your aim when you should have relaxed.
— Ernest Agyemang YeboahOf the scaly tribe I may mention those suckers belonging to the body loaferish, that ever rise to the surface of respectability, but are always groveling in the mud of corruption, whose sole study appears to be how much they can get without the least physical exertion; and who would rather ride to hell in a hand-cart than walk to heaven supported by the staff of industry.
— Elbridge Gerry PaigeLazy people, the truly lazy people live on information, strategies, ideas, plans and many other criticals, simply to spend one hour of hard work and make the rest feel like a breeze.
— Alan RiosIt may be easier to believe that we remain lean because we're virtuous and we get fat because we're not, but the evidence simply says otherwise. Virtue has little more to with our weight than our height. When we grow taller, it's hormones and enzymes that are promoting growth, and we consume more calories than we expend as a result. Growth is the cause - increased appetite and decreased energy expenditure (gluttony and sloth) are the effects. When we grow fatter, the same is true as well.We don't get fat because we overeat; we overeat because were fat.
— Gary Taubes