A wise bird does not lend even the smallest of its feathers to a hunter.
— Matshona DhliwayoSense will buy you more than dollars.
— Matshona DhliwayoA shrewd enemy will teach you more than a foolish friend.
— Matshona DhliwayoIf you feed a bird, you don't have to force it to come to you.
— Matshona DhliwayoStand alone when it is to your benefit, with others when it is to your advantage, and with everyone when it is to your empowerment.
— Matshona DhliwayoKnowing what to say is sense, when to say it is intelligence, how to say it is wisdom, why and how to say it is enlightenment.
— Matshona DhliwayoThe shrewd marry for money, the scheming marry for status, the calculating marry for power, but the wise marry for love.
— Matshona DhliwayoA cat may have nine lives, but a wise person has a hundred.
— Matshona DhliwayoI had no money to start,For Jack decreed in his pride:The Caveman's wife didn't work - It was his job to provide.A brief reminder right here:Let men believe they are shrewd,But even women of oldEmbroidered mittens for food.
— Joyce RachelleThe smartest fish are still in the sea.
— Matshona Dhliwayo