It's remarkable how very many things there are that a king may not do.
— Geraldine BrooksThe idea of waste only comes into our Christianity when we underestimate the worth of our Lord.
— Watchman NeeNo time for anything, little time for everything.
— Sonya WithrowThere’s no better way to serve and nourish the magnificence in another person than to simply listen to them openheartedly and without judgment.
— Henry Kimsey-HousePublic servants in this Europe often do their best when they stop caring about whether they'll be fired.
— Ron SuskindAre you serving in your local church or your are being served?
— Saji IjiyemiThere is but one just use of power, and it is to serve people.
— George H.W. BushAuthor says that, while Eisenhower had other intellectual mentors, he learned how to lead men from Gen. Walter Krueger. Krueger was the first American enlisted man to rise to four-star general, and he so identified with those he led that he once invited a sentry out of the rain and gave him his own dry uniform.
— Jean Edward SmithDavid would wear no purple cloth, no symbols of his kingship, when he went to greet the ark. In its presence, we were all of us servants.
— Geraldine BrooksMostly we think of people with great authority as higher up, far away, hard to reach. But spiritual authority comes from compassion and emerges from deep inner solidarity with those who are 'subject' to authority. The one who is fully like us, who deeply understands our joys and pains or hopes and desires, and who is willing and able to walk with us, that is the one to whom we gladly give authority and whose 'subjects' we are willing to be.It is the compassionate authority that empowers, encourages, calls forth hidden gifts, and enables great things to happen. True spiritual authorities are located in the point of an upside-down triangle, supporting and holding into the light everyone they offer their leadership to.
— Henri J.M. Nouwen