Dear God, she was getting turned on in the middle of a roadside emergency. This had to stop.

— Miranda Liasson

From Summer's EndWhat we have is enough. It's more than we consciously realized.

— Sally Henson

He wasn’t looking for a soulmate. That would require having a soul to share, and he’d sold his off long ago.

— Miranda Liasson

Jase opened his door, stepped down, and leaned into her window. “Hungry?”Taking a big breath didn’t help when his sexy scent of cologne had hit her in the face. Hallelujah. “Yeah, I’m getting there.” “Let’s go. The cowboy just came to take you away.” He reached in and turned off the ignition, clasped her keys and opened the door. When she stepped out, he didn’t bother to move back any and they were close. This man was hot and not only his temperature. Whatever kind of chemistry radiated off him, soaked right into her.

— Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

Use your dick, don’t be one.

— Marissa Clarke

He was making up a story, and she was buying into his bullshit. That was a recipe for disaster.

— Miranda Liasson

Everyone thinks to the extent of their own depravity,” #HenriettaLedyanova , #FatefulItalianPassion .

— Olga Goa

Never, even in his wildest dreams, had his imagination come close to the reality of her.

— Marissa Clarke

Sometimes that’s what it takes. Putting it all out there and hoping love wins.

— Marissa Clarke

Taking over Kingston Shoes would be the final string that would unravel and cut them off from one another for good.

— Miranda Liasson