I remember my father, who had served in Vietnam, once talking to me about how real courage is when you're scared out of your mind but you do what you have to do anyway. I didn't feel very courageous at the moment. I felt like a small mouse in the mouth of a lion.

— Anna M. Aquino

When I first met you, I thought we were made for each other even though we seemed like opposites in some ways and we fought. But now...'What?'Now I feel like we weren't made for each other. We're making each other—into the people we should become. Do you know what I mean?

— Julianna Baggott

It was me–a dangerous cocktail of pissed off and hurt.”–Ember (Darkness Of Light).

— Stacey Marie Brown

I was beginning to think that Simon just had a bad case of OCD, ADD, and PMS. With a little BS and OMG mixed in.

— Dannika Dark

You won't find the tales I bear in any books . . . My tales are from the Moon Realm.” —Ebb Autumn.

— Richard Due

But—' yelped Twizbang, “Greydor will eat us!

— Richard Due

Wow. This has been such a scorching series. Two hawt alpha males. One southern Texan. A recipe for lot of entertainment. - Jamie Leigh.

— Scarlett Avery

Violence always leads to pain' Trendal Malian- Ishtaria: Prince of Blades.

— Keith Collier

And the more he gazed at her, the more he felt a twinge of something he couldn’t quite describe, an unknown surge that bubbled inside him from the first moment he’d caught sight of her, and it wouldn’t release him.

— J.L. Sheppard

If you can't explain it better leave it... (Dexter Season 2....).

— Deyth Banger