A major gap between many of the denominations stems from how people define some of the most basic terms, such as 'religion' itself.

— Criss Jami

God is not, like creatures, made up of parts. God is spirit, without bodily dimensions. Firstly, no body can cause change without itself being changed. Secondly, things with dimensions are potential of division. But the starting-point for all existence must be wholly real and not potential in any way: though things that get realized begin as potential, preceding them is the source of their realization which must already be real. Thirdly, living bodies are superior to other bodies; and what makes a body living is not the dimensions which make it a body (for then everything with dimensions would be living), but something more excellent like a soul. The most excellent existent of all then cannot be a body. So when the scriptures ascribe dimensions to God they are using spatial extension to symbolize the extent of God's power; just as they ascribe bodily organs to God as metaphors for their functions, and postures like sitting or standing to symbolize authority or strength.

— Thomas Aquinas

In order to understand what happened, we'll use words in the way that they exist: as drawers of distinction between ideas.

— John Hadac

Marriage converts a player into a polygamist.

— Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Causes of individuals presuppose causes of the species, which are not univocal yet not wholly equivocal either, since they are expressing themselves in their effects. We could call them analogical. In language too all universal terms presuppose the non-univocal analogical use of the term *being*.

— Thomas Aquinas

Kevyn, Ennesby tells me you are building a time machine.Actually I'm finished.In one afternoon? Wow... Does it work?After a fashion....I put a whole lot of energy into it, and the next thing I knew it was time for dinner.-Captain Tagon & Commander Andreyasn.

— Howard Tayler

It is not what you meant to say, but it is what your saying meant.

— Walter M. Miller Jr.

...And often Lisa thought bitterly of the ideas she had held on 'college life' before coming to Denton, ideas and images culled from a hundred magazine stories and as many movies. Where were the convertibles, the secret bottles of liquor, the gay young men and their wild girl friends?

— Grace Metalious

There is absolutely nothing feminine about the colour pink, or, anything bad-luck'ish about the colour black — in itself.

— Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Colorless green ideas sleep furiouslythree old owls on a chest of drawerswere screwingthe daughter of the doctor.But then the mother called them,colorless green ideas slepp furiously.

— Umberto Eco