The narrator finds that as a maturing character grows in stature before her friends that she sees less stature while evaluating herself.
— Zane GreyThe beginning of thought is in disagreement - not only with others but also with ourselves.
— Eric HofferIt is better to be alone then to be in a relationship, while you are trying to figure out what love means to you.
— Shannon L. AlderSometimes your belief system is really your fears attached to rules.
— Shannon L. AlderIn evaluating ourselves, we tend to be long on our weaknesses and short on our strengths.
— Craig D. LounsbroughIt has nothing to do with who I am as compared to everyone else. It has everything to do with who I am in companionship with God.
— Craig D. LounsbroughThe dark might be dark, but at least we don’t have to look at ourselves when we’re standing in it.
— Craig D. LounsbroughAlways evaluate and determine the product of your life.
— Sunday AdelajaIf your love for another person doesn’t include loving yourself then your love is incomplete.
— Shannon L. AlderLosing your job releases you to think effectively and make rational decisions.
— Sunday Adelaja