No matter what your history has been, your destiny is what you create today. What are you going to create?

— Steve Maraboli

Awake! Arise! The hour is late! Angels are knocking at thy door!They are in haste and cannot wait, And once departed come no more.Awake! Arise! The athlete's arm Loses its strength by too much rest;The fallow land, the untilled farm Produces only weeds at best.

— Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Man is slow because he hesitates.

— Lance Conrad

You could continue to repress and think about the life you could have had or you can take what you want from life and see that the world finds that person infinitely more irresistible...

— Roberto Hogue

Scent is such a powerful tool of attraction, that if a woman has this tool perfectly tuned, she needs no other. I will forgive her a large nose, a cleft lip, even crossed-eyes; and I’ll bathe in the jouissance of her intoxicating odour.

— Roman Payne

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love—then make that day count!

— Steve Maraboli

You gotta be in the NOW to create and experience the WOW!

— Steve Maraboli

When you look up and don’t see the stars, the universe may have cleared the sky for you to replace them.

— Matshona Dhliwayo

When you look up and don’t see the stars, the universe may have cleared the sky for you to replace them.

— Matshona Dhliwayo

How would your life be different if…You stopped worrying about things you can’t control and started focusing on the things you can? Let today be the day…You free yourself from fruitless worry, seize the day and take effective action on things you can change.

— Steve Maraboli