There is no place like the beach... Where the land meets the sea and the sea meats the sky.
— Umair SiddiquiHe had spent much of his childhood perched on the coast, with the taste of salt in the air: this was a place of woodland and river, mysterious and secretive in a different way from St. Mawes, the little town with its long smuggling history, where colorful houses tumbled down to the beach.
— Robert Galbraith...Vicinity to the sea is desirable, because it is easier to do nothing by the sea than anywhere else, and because bathing and basking on the shore cannot be considered an employment but only an apotheosis of loafing. ('Expiation').
— E.F. BensonA stroll by the silent shores watching the sunset-Every bookaholic's dream.
— AanuThey walked, and the long waves rolled and murmured rhythmically beside them; the fresh salty wind blew free and unobstructed in their faces, wrapped itself around their ears, and made them feel slightly numb and deliciously dizzy. They walked along in that wide, peaceful, whispering hush of the sea that gives every sound, near or far, some mysterious importance.
— Thomas MannShe enjoyed the sights and sounds of the dockside – ports were places of freedom.
— Sara SheridanIn my dream I drank fully of water, but when I woke, I was thirsty.' Ned Low.
— Patricia GoodwinHis mind has the clearness of the deep sea, the patience of its rocks, the force of its billows.
— Charlotte BrontëHow many ghosts might return to the promenade, haunted by the echoes of those promises, perhaps eager to catch a glimpse of what could have been? Would they laugh at the survivors shuffling about in this briny detritus? Or would they cry?'Reid, A. J. (2012-11-08). A Smaller Hell (Kindle Locations 885-886). . Kindle Edition.
— A.J. ReidFound in trees. Sometimes also in old silent movie theaters, seaside zoos, magic shops, hat shops, time-travel shops, topiary gardents, cowboy boots, castle turrets, comet museums, dog pounds, mermaid ponds, dragon lairs, library stacks (the ones in the back), piles of leaves, piles of pancakes, the belly of a fiddle, the bell of a flower, or in the company of wild herds of typewriters. But mostly in trees.
— Michelle Cuevas