Don't marry for money, you can borrow it cheaper.
— Scottish ProverbNews of the death of James V on 14 December gave even further cause for rejoicing, because his heir was a week-old girl, the infant Mary, Queen of Scots. Scotland would be subject to yet another weakening regency—it had endured six during the past 150 years—and should give no further trouble.
— Alison WeirThe lass was no damsel. He’d prepared himself for a hard sell, one that might require a few extra knee-weakening smiles, perhaps so much as a seduction, but he’d never in a million years expected the disaster that landed his arms. The disaster named Alison Ross.
— Kerrigan ByrneHer dark eyes slid to him. 'I can't remember the last time I felt so good in clothes.'And he wanted to get her out of them.
— Donna GrantEdinburgh is a great big black bastard of a city where there are ghosts of all kinds.
— Sara SheridanAlan Campbell opened one eye.From somewhere in remote distances, muffled beyond sight or sound, his soul crawled back painfully, through subterranean corridors, up into his body again. Toward the last it moved to a cacophony of hammers and lights. Then he was awake.The first eye was bad enough. But, when he opened his second eye, such as rush of anguish flowed through his brain that he hastily closed them again.
— John Dickson CarrRegretfully, he remained an alluring mystery, with fascinating lines and details she could not help but seek to examine further and memorize.
— Lily BlackwoodAfter a taste of a Scot, you'll never look elsewhere again.'A brunette smiled seductively, 'That's quite a boast.'I'm quite a man.
— Donna GrantScotland consistently produces world-class writers.
— Sara SheridanMore bloodshed followed, as brother fought brother and religion battled religion in the age-old nonsense of settling whose method of worship was the holiest to our Creator, who, for all our murderous efforts, most likely despises the lot of us.
— Steve Alten