It is possible for you to realise your dream as a scientist, you must be a passionate learner and curious enough to seek this wonderful career path.
— Lailah Gifty AkitaThe human self and the God self are both creations of molecules in the human brain.
— Abhijit NaskarWhen you say to someone “follow your heart”, it actually refers to the rhetorical representation of various emotions, that are precisely produced from neural activity of the limbic system. So, the metaphoric heart we always boast about while giving advice to our friends, is actually not anywhere near the biological organ known as heart. Rather it too, like all other elements of the human mind exists only in the brain.
— Abhijit NaskarWe gain from the new science of mind not only insights into ourselves - how we perceive, learn, remember, feel, believe and act - but also a new perspective of ourselves and our fellow human beings in the context of biological evolution.
— Abhijit NaskarThe universe perceives itself through us, or to be more specific, through our neurons.
— Abhijit NaskarI wanted to present Neuroscience to people in a way that would diminish their differences.
— Abhijit NaskarOm-nipotent, Om-nipresent, Om-niscient, Omall is wholly undivided, instructed the physicist, David Bohmthe enfolded and unfolded, that of formlessness and formfrom the implicate unmanifest to the explicate manifest bornoriginating from an underlying nonphysical orderemerges physical reality with its illusory bordersthe whole of existence exists in every wee partall is here now—the cosmos' stern, bow, starboard and portthe invisible portion of existence is pure potentialityawareness itself as a field of infinite possibilityphysical reality a holographic illusionscience says so—that's its conclusionthe new science is within and is up to youa simple experiment with loving prayer will dofollowing science honestly, one is led inward toowith zero biases, mind and reality are seen as not-twowho cares what proofs others are utteringlive it yourself or you know nothingmake a cloud square shape in a oneness experimentrepeat “thank you square cloud” with joyous, grateful intentthe results of this being easily duplicatableshows that a unitive conscious universe is no fableNative Americans have their time-tested rain dancea prayer to the Great Spirit resulting in watered plants.
— Jarett SabirshThe purpose of education should ultimately be the advancement of the species. And for this to actually happen, the world needs the kind of education by means of which character is formed, strength of the mind is increased and the human intellect is expanded beyond its own limits.
— Abhijit NaskarWithout the harmonious electrochemical activity of all the brain structure, the very thing which we call 'mind', would suddenly disappear from the face of earth.
— Abhijit NaskarThe question why I don't shake hand with someone,A reason is Behind;Scumbags call it Attitude but they really don't know its actually the antimatter Waqas is composed of.
— Waqas Bin Ehsan