I am Mae Waylander from Halts-Walden, daughter of Robert Wallander, a good man who lost his life saving hers.' I point to Ellen. 'And I am the girl who has saved your brother's life on numerous occasions in the Waerg Woods - who fought off a wood nymph, a psychotic pre-adolescent prophet, and a determined flock of killer birds - only to have your father shoot an arrow in my side because I wouldn't let him kill my stag.
— Sarah DaltonI'm a damsel, I'm in distress, I can handle this. Have a nice day!
— Walt Disney CompanyIf by fawning, you mean he’s a deer, I have a gun, and it’s hunting season, then I guess you’re right.
— Sage KafskyI don’t want to be a free nigger; I want to be a free man.”“Don’t we all. Look. Be what you want--- white or black. Choose. But if you choose black, you got to act black, meaning draw your manhood up—quicklike, and don’t bring me no whiteboy sass.” Hunter’s Hunter and Godlen Gray.
— Toni MorrisonValkyrie smiled patiently. 'I like how you do your make-up. Do you use a brush, or just dip your head in the bucket?
— Derek LandyAssassins: they got sass and live on sin.
— Natalya VorobyovaWhere did you live before you came here?' I asked. 'The moon,' he said smoothly. 'We left because the place had no atmosphere.
— Laurie Halse AndersonPerhaps not,' said Will, who had ears like a bat's. 'But I would make a radiant bride.
— Cassandra ClareWow,' she said. 'It's like you're teaching me something and being all wise.'You are not easy to get along with,' Skulduggery said.
— Derek LandyBoy, did she love those idiots.
— Emory R. Frie