Trust me. In a very short time, you will become sought out by those in your network. Initially for your sound advice, but soon after as a provider of service. Few people seek advice about a subject that doesn’t require a solution.
— Chris MurrayYou’ve got to be driven to become successful.
— Chris MurrayMost men have professions, yet few act like professionals.
— Chris MurrayI was so sure that I knew what they needed and what I wanted to sell them that I never stopped long enough to find out what it was they wanted to buy.
— Chris MurrayIt is your duty to save these prospects from that disappointment. Every potential customer, who misses out on what you have to offer, due to your lack of zeal or passion, every prospect who ends up with an excuse of an alternative from your lacklustre competition, should rest heavy on your conscience.
— Chris MurrayLet’s get right on top of the bottom line: You must live your personal values at work.
— Stan SlapHowever, more important to all of that: the players played the game as a true team. There are many teams in baseball, but not all play as a team. Many merely play as a group of talented athletes, which is a huge difference over the course of a long season.
— Michael DelawareLeadership creates performance in people because it impacts willingness; it’s a matter of modeling, inspiring, and reinforcing.
— Stan SlapRemember: when you walk into a DIY store to buy a drill, you don’t want the drill. Your end goal is to make a hole and, in order to achieve this, you have to buy the drill.
— Chris MurrayWhen your pipeline is full – with business coming out of your ears – the notion of people asking for a discount will sound hilarious, because you’ll already be at capacity.
— Chris Murray