We are creatures of rage and madness and bitter tears and we knew that from the start. Our end was disaster and we knew that from the start. We knew it all from the start.

— Thomas Curtis Clark

I'm sorry! I really am! I wanted to get out of this place! I want to live! I want to get away from here and never see it again! I hate everything about it!'You will hate the next place, too,' I said. 'What you are you will carry with you.

— Louis L'Amour

I kiss your tear-stained cheeks, tasting the saltiness of a hidden sea of sorrow.

— John Mark Green

When someone close to you dies, you feel like you might die too. It takes some of the life out of you for a time.

— Lisa Bedrick

He had the same look on his face that I had every day when I looked in the mirror. He was nothing more than a shell of a person.

— Amy Lichtenhan

I see how he feels about his world and I want to be one of the parts he prizes. I want to be worth fighting for. Worth the same kind of effort he puts into the things that matter to him. Like Dani.”'I don’t tell her no human matters to the boss like Dani.

— Karen Marie Moning

Or rather, he was sad because that morning he'd understood that he'd understood nothing, because while he still understood nothing he wasn't sad at all, but now that he'd understood that he'd understood nothing he felt sad, if you follow.

— François Lelord

Sadness pulses out of us as we walk. I almost expect the trees to lower their branches when we pass, the stars to hand down some light. I breathe in the horsy scent of eucalyptus, the thick sugary pine, aware of each breath I take, how each one keeps me in the world a few seconds longer. I taste the sweetness of the summer air on my tongue and want to just gulp and gulp and gulp it into my body--this living, breathing, heart-beating body of mine.

— Jandy Nelson

People with vision sees opportunity where there is problem. They see money not problem.

— Patience Johnson

Sometimes I get so sad that it jest sounds good.

— Abbi Glines