Forget your voice, sing!Forget your feet, dance!Forget your life, live!Forget yourself and be!

— Kamand Kojouri

Generosity is also marked by doing what one says one will do. Saadi teaches: ‘when the generous promise, they perform.

— Idries Shah

Q: How can I help myself?A: By remembering the proverb: ‘The Path is not to be found anywhere except in human service’, from Saadi.

— Idries Shah

Fettered feet in the presence of friends is better than living in a garden with strangers.

— Idries Shah

You may be able to get the bone down your throat But if it reaches your stomach it will tear your navel.(Gulistan).

— Idries Shah

Saadi: Be a true renouncer, (zahid) and [you can even] ware satin.

— Idries Shah

Almost every day I am reminded of Saadi's reflection that there is no senseless tyranny like that of subordinates.

— Idries Shah

A loan is the scissors of friendship.A man's own tongue may cut his throat.The cage has no value without the bird.

— Idries Shah

Poor greedy one, wherever he runs He's after food, and death is after him.(Saadi).

— Idries Shah

Opportunity's precious, and time is a sword.

— Idries Shah