The soldier stared at Ingrid. His silence was elastic, slowly curling a rope around her neck.

— Ruta Sepetys

Revolting. If women were so careless to become pregnant at such a time, let women sort it out.

— Ruta Sepetys

...We're dealing with two devils who both want to rule hell.

— Ruta Sepetys

We cannot be too cautious, Hannelore. Just because someone knocks on the door doesn't mean you have to open it. Sometimes, sweet girl, there are wolves at the door. If we are not careful, they might eat us.

— Ruta Sepetys

But unlike Mama, I would not go to heaven. My secrets padlocked the gates. I'd be a torn kite stuck in the dead branches of a tree, unable to fly.

— Ruta Sepetys

My arm began moving, turning the invisible crank of Death's music box. Somewhere inside, I didn't want the melody to end.

— Ruta Sepetys

I didn't need his criticism. I carried enough guilt on my own. I had done everything wrong. I had the highest marks in school but couldn't master common sense.

— Ruta Sepetys

How foolish to believe we are more powerful than the sea or the sky.

— Ruta Sepetys

No Son [. . .] Not a traitor to your country. Much worse. A traitor to your soul.

— Ruta Sepetys