No gaming outside of the venue without a sanctioned game master.
— Leah Rae MillerBob loses saving throw vs. Shiny with a penalty of -5. Bob takes 2d8 damage to the credit card.
— Charles StrossThe closest I ever got to Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms was when I bought the box game set for the latter (I think this was before the novels came out). I well recall this—we were living in James Bay, in Victoria. We opened the box up and took out the maps while sitting in a Mexican restaurant. Ten minutes later I was as close as I have ever been to publicly burning someone else’s creation…What bothered us was the reworking of every fantasy cliché imaginable, all in one package now, and none of it made sense.
— Steven EriksonJust like the notion of 'Internet natives', who have never known a world without Internet access, we, who have lived our entire lives with video games, can be known as 'video game natives.
— Alexei Maxim Russell