When you are able to know the right thing, you are intelligent. But when you choose that right thing to do, you are wise. This means people can get money, education, marriage, and good health and not get wisdom. Wisdom is the number one gift for a Godly success.
— Israelmore AyivorThose who eat what is rightfully theirs, will incarnate as humans. Those who take what is not theirs by right, will incarnate as animals. Those who give away to others, what is rightfully their own, will incarnate as celestial beings. Those who hurt others and take away from them what is not theirs by right; will take birth in hell.
— Dada BhagwanAnother way to strengthen connection to intuition is to refuse to allow anyone to repress your vivid energies... That means your opinions, your thoughts, your ideas, your values, your morals, your ideals. There is very little right/wrong or good/bad in this world. There is, however, use and not useful.
— Clarissa Pinkola EstésIn my society, even the right things are wrong.
— M.F. Moonzajer