For those who have dwelt in depression's dark wood, and known its inexplicable agony, their return from the abyss is not unlike the ascent of the poet, trudging upward and upward out of hell's black depths and at last emerging into what he saw as 'the shining world.' There, whoever has been restored to health has almost always been restored to the capacity for serenity and joy, and this may be indemnity enough for having endured the despair beyond de.
— William StyronFor irrelevancy to be cancelled in the church, let kingdom priority and pursuit be restored.
— Sunday AdelajaWe can only get to God through God. Every other possible avenue is a dead-end before it even starts.
— Craig D. LounsbroughRestoration brings refreshment.
— Lailah GiftyBased on the medical evidence that clearly states that being above 10,000 feet is hazardous to the health of sea level adapted humans, it is clear that all of the manned facilities on top of the 13,796 feet Mauna Kea summit in Hawaii should be removed and the summit restored back to its native environment.
— Steven MageeTo live in peace and righteousness is to be restored to God’s dominion.
— Sunday AdelajaThe yardstick that we frequently use to determine if something can be restored is based on the handful of inches that we bring to the process, when God shows up with an infinite amount of miles.
— Craig D. LounsbroughLife can be generous, but leaves us with a trilemma: How can we reconcile three diverse features: ‘I’, 'me' and the 'others'. Since the “I” entails what I want; the “me” what others expect of me and the “others” what others themselves want. The bridges between 'individuality', “surroundings” and 'otherness' can be abysmal and very often waiting to be restored. (“I am on my own side, but I can listen “ ).
— Erik PevernagieTimes of adversity, rekindle my spirit.
— Lailah Gifty AkitaIf I can somehow focus on the pain of not focusing on my pain, I will soon find that pain healed simply because I forced myself to do the exact opposite of what my core humanity demanded I do…I sought to heal the pain of someone else instead.
— Craig D. Lounsbrough