To become a leader, renovate your mind with painting of peace and roof your heart with ceiling of love. No love, no leader!

— Israelmore Ayivor

The strewn and tangled wreckage that litters our lives is the precious raw material from which great beginnings are forged.

— Craig D. Lounsbrough

As a leader, you will see things you may never like to see; yours is to correct those things so that next time you open your eyes, you will see better things you wish to be seeing always. Leaders learn to right the wrong of society.

— Israelmore Ayivor

Are there things in your life that could use a face lift? What neglected treasures could be given new life by restoring them to their former glory? When you renovate and restore, you show respect for what was and bring it back to a state of beauty, usefulness, value, or vigor.

— Susan C. Young