It was evenings like that when beneath dim light and relaxing in a sultry bath that she missed him the most. A flicker of candlelight, wind breathing snow against the window and the soothing scent of creme caramel – all were a comfort to her as she closed her eyes, summoned memories and many a tender thought. She didn't feel deserving of the devotion bestowed upon her, but she had finally learned to accept its wondrous gift, knowing that love was the source of existence and its only end.
— Donna Lynn HopeOne day this war will end. And when it does, Tule Lake will be just a memory.
— Teresa R. FunkeTo forget is to blithely toss aside the hard lessons that were hard won by others before us, thereby needlessly dooming us to endure the hard lessons that are likely to be forgotten by those who will follow us. And it is altogether reasonable that in order to avoid this repetitive trouncing, God graciously granted us memories.
— Craig D. LounsbroughWe want so badly to be happy – to live the kinds of lives that we always hoped we’d live – that we give gifts to ourselves by remembering things not as they were, but as we wish they were.
— Dathan AuerbachThe mind plays tricks. It rejects things until it thinks ― or something tells it ― that the remembering can be handled.
— Robert LudlumBut it was smell that carried memory.
— Ann BrasharesIt seems that the people who come into our lives and stay for the briefest amount of time have the greatest impact upon us. Time may change some things, but not all things. Each day brings me closer to him, and the age in which he passed from this world into the next, but I still fight the urge, on rare occasions, to pick up the phone and dial his number, which I still remember. It's decades later, but that last meal we shared, laughing and smiling at each other from across the table, lost in harmony, seems but yesterday. Then there was the last lingering look and the final wave goodbye.
— Donna Lynn HopeRemember your connection with the cosmos. Remember your connection with the infinity and that remembrance will give you the freedom.
— Amit RayThat was what murder was-as easy as that!But afterwards you went on remembering...
— Agatha ChristieIf you knew you were going to lose your memorybut you could choose five things you’d never forget, what would they be—a certain face, a taste, a scent,a touch; how deepin this, the middle of your life?
— Kristen Henderson