Harmony is not a luxury, it is an existential necessity of the species. And to achieve it, if a hundred Bibles have to be sacrificed, then be it. But for no Bible, Quran or Gita, can harmony be compromised.
— Abhijit NaskarI am the thread of unification that goes through humans of all religions, cultures and ideologies while reinforcing their innate sense of one humanity.
— Abhijit NaskarI am not an atheist. But the religion that I do advocate is not of the Bible, Vedas, Quran or any other scripture. The religion I speak of, is what Christ talked about, it is what Buddha talked about, it is the religion of plain everyday kindness.
— Abhijit NaskarThe highest creed is Universal Acceptance.
— Abhijit NaskarO my brave Almighty Human, with the ever-effulgent flow of courage, conscience and compassion, turn yourself into a vivacious humanizer, and start walking with bold footsteps while eliminating racism, terminating misogyny, destroying homophobia and all other primitiveness that have turned humanity into the most inhuman species on earth.
— Abhijit NaskarI work to make human beings out of human bodies. I work to make conscience out of mindlessness. I work to make Gods out of obedient worshippers.
— Abhijit NaskarTerrorism has nothing to do with religion, Islam or otherwise. Terrorism is born of fundamentalism not of religion.
— Abhijit NaskarIt's about religious acceptance, it's no longer about religious tolerance.
— Abhijit NaskarAny religion that does not evolve with time, either gets destroyed or destroys the world.
— Abhijit NaskarReligious unity and religious tolerance are not the same thing. Unity doesn’t come merely through tolerance. You don’t need to tolerate people from other religions. It is time you start loving them. Toleration may make you a decent person, but it is love that makes you a true human being.
— Abhijit Naskar