The purpose of my faith is to bring me hope without fear. This is not only beneficial for the life to come, but also in this present life as well.
— Reid A. AshbaucherTo live without faith is to live without hope.
— Reid A. AshbaucherMorality is totally God’s standard, and his standards and conditions are revealed to us through his written word, the Scriptures (The Bible).
— Reid A. AshbaucherTo understand an issue or someone’s argument about anything,one needs to understand the very nature of the issue, which is thefoundational question concerning anything.
— Reid A. AshbaucherThe moral of the story is, faith does not always bring you happiness, wealth or a comfortable lifestyle filled with fun things to do. What faith does bring us is hope while living out God's attitudes of: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, all for the glory of God and the establishment of his kingdom.
— Reid A. AshbaucherWisdom plus knowledge equals understanding.
— Reid A. AshbaucherAttitude is a state of mind that results in an action taken or anemotion displayed. Attitude, in the end, is a motivator or that whichgenerates or reflects motives.
— Reid A. AshbaucherGood teaching gains its authority from having consistent and repeated support from multiple scriptural sources, and it builds a firm base for our unity and our confidence in Christ.
— Reid A. AshbaucherFor one to define and understand the nature of the universe, one must firstunderstand the nature of the force behind its existence.
— Reid A. AshbaucherIn reality, mankind is still metaphysically in God’s likeness, butGod’s image in mankind has been altered by sin. We can no longerduplicate or reflect God’s attitudes as we once could do. That is, we canno longer be holy as God is holy. Our morality has been altered and nolonger has the capability to duplicate or reflect God’s image. So what isthe answer? Can this image be repaired or made whole again? The answeris, YES!
— Reid A. Ashbaucher