When you look back with regret, that (regret, loss) becomes your focus. Then your focus directs you: you go back to that – again and again.Choose a new rudder: Look forward now – and focus on your passion with joyful anticipation.Then your passion will fill the empty space of your loss...And where you land up will amaze you!
— The TruthWhen you really realize how you have lived your life, you indeed realize how you must live your life. It is mostly they that have least time to ponder always who always find time to wonder.
— Ernest Agyemang YeboahBooks keep and reciprocate our secrets, dreams, regrets, and hopes better than any friend in the world.
— Drea DamaraWhich was worse, telling a person you loved them when you didn’t mean it? Or loving them and never telling them at all?
— Martina BooneWhen you look back with regret, that (regret, loss) becomes your focus. Then your focus directs you: you go back to that – again and again.Look forward now – and focus on your passions with joyful anticipation.Then your passion will fill the gap of your loss...And where you land us will amaze you!
— The Truth