There is a human reification needingan eschatological regression.
— Marieta Maglas- Eschatological RegressionOur evolution depends on our memory. If we keep forgetting the mistakes of the past, only to keep repeating them, then we will never change. Humanity will never move forward, spiritually or morally, to become superior beings.
— Suzy KassemIn another thirty to fifty years, the demand for cheap labor will have produced even more machines over the employment of actual humans. And in that time frame, humans will have lost their voice, their power, all freedoms, and all worth. It is inevitable that machines will one day become the ultimate enemies of mankind. We are not evolving or progressing with our technology, only regressing. Technology is our friend today, but will be our enemy in the future.
— Suzy KassemWe stand the risk of regression, because you refused to take risks. So life demands risks.
— Sunday AdelajaMounting tensions in Eastern Europe send shivers down the spine. Barely a quarter of a century after the end of the Cold War we seem to be sliding inexorably towards another.
— Alex MorrittIn a feast of fame and talks,Scandal flashing, raising tongue and brows.In a blast of bombing and power play,Fear and death dig more revenge.In a forgotten continent,Famine and drought devour lives.In an unfortunate eye of a rebelling weather,Crashing homes, leaving many in devastation and desperation.In a country shaking with violence,Innocent victims cry for justice and peace.In a home shaking with turmoil, Humble patient, hiding voice wants to be heard.In a tick of a second,A new breathe of life beats!To belong in this world.Constantly changing, decaying or improving?In a snap of innovation:Life goes big leap!Regression somewhere unseen,But felt in a slow, long run.
— Angelica HopesIn today's world, honesty has unfortunately morphed into an extremely expensive hobby...And is no more a virtue that it once was. By the same token, not everyone has what it takes to pay the price for indulging in it and maintaining it, relentlessly, under all circumstances.
— Mamur MustaphaYou only live once. Maybe twice.
— Stephanie ArnoldIf the surprise outcome of the recent UK referendum - on whether to leave or remain in the European Union - teaches us anything, it is that supposedly worthy displays of democracy in action can actually do more harm than good. Witness a nation now more divided; an intergenerational schism in the making; both a governing and opposition party torn to shreds from the inside; infinitely more complex issues raised than satisfactory solutions provided. It begs the question 'Was it really all worth it' ?
— Alex MorrittLife is ten percent what you experience and ninety percent how you respond to it.
— Dorothy M. Neddermeyer