It doesn't take an army to change the world, or an average-sized militia group, either. All it takes is one individual to say the word 'No'. Be it a man refusing to register for the draft, or be it a gun owner refusing to register his weapons in Connecticut, it is the same: defiance in the face of arbitrary authority.
— Mike KlepperHere's a glorious thought: You don't have to settle. Ever. In life, in love, in your career…ANYWHERE!
— Mandy HaleNext time you hit a speed bump otherwise known as the age-old question “Why are you still single?” look ’em in the eye and say: “Because I’m too fabulous to settle.
— Mandy HaleIf you want your life to be a five-star reality, you have to stop settling for a fast food mentality!
— Mandy HaleWhen you refuse to settle for less than the best...The best tends to track you down.
— Mandy HaleSingle |sin•gle| (adjective) - Too fabulous to settle.
— Mandy Hale