Somewhere between handling challenges, taking care of business, and juggling responsibilities, you may have lost pieces of yourself which you long to recover. Perhaps they were buried and forgotten long ago. Rediscovering is more than just being reminded of these golden treasures. It is being able to excavate your riches by pulling them out, polishing them off, and allowing them to shine again.

— Susan C. Young

There is something remarkable about each one of us. Seize the opportunity to look within and rediscover yourself.

— Roopleen

Let us remember to always rediscover one anotherbecause we are forever changing.

— Kamand Kojouri

From one moment to another memory steps back to rediscover the past.

— Munia Khan

Begin your new year by making a commitment to yourself. Rediscover your passion. What sets your heart on fire? And do something about it. Take action. Today. Now.

— Julie Connor