The mission of '8 Mile' is essentially to garner sympathy for a white rapper involved in an old-school shootout - a rap contest. This may be the final frontier for pop, more unbelievable than the prospect of launching a member of 'N Sync into orbit.

— Elvis Mitchell

Hip hop in my veins, if you cut cut me I will bleed.

— Nathan Feuerstein (NF)

Cuz even a gangsta rapper can find redemptionFor the sins committed before revelation.

— Carlos Salinas

I know one thing for sho Heaven’s gotta have a ghettoCuz where else in death do I get to go?

— Carlos Salinas

'Chance the Rapper' is many things. I'm constantly evolving.

— Chance The Rapper

I had zero idea of what I was doing.. I honestly had no idea where to start. All I knew was I had something I craved to say.. I wanted to create art that lived on longer than I do. Perseverance and teaching yourself, every day through stress and hard work proves shit really does progress without you realizing. One minute you're an amateur, knowing nothing, not even the basics. The next you can put pen to paper, write a song, and create art in such little time! It's crazy beautiful.

— scott mcgoldrick

Get rich or die trying.

— 50 Cent

Winner goes with the flow, History Maker against the flow.

— Kjiva

This twisted cat and mouse game always starts the sameFirst we're both down to play and somehow you go astray.

— Iggy Azalea

When I was at Upright Citizens Brigade, I would pretend to be a sad, drunk rapper.

— Bobby Moynihan