What you see as not neededWill return until you see that it needs to be.What you accept as neededNeeds not to remain unless you enjoy it to be.
— Raphael ZernoffA positive response to any situation is the key to the feeling of well-being. The more we practice it the easier it becomes. Gradually all automatic reactions are being replaced by a conscious response. When we know we are self-empowered, we take responsibility for our emotions. It is knowing that we have the ability to respond in a way we prefer.
— Raphael ZernoffEverything with no exception is a choice. The choice can be either conscious or unconscious depending on the level of self-awareness. The more self-aware we become, the faster we can make our unconscious choices known to us.
— Raphael ZernoffWe can allow ourselves to pass through the darkest valley without losing our light. One candle can lit millions of other candles, which are willing to receive the light.
— Raphael ZernoffFor aeons past, there were many gods who descended to be humans, yet there were not many humans who ascended back to their divinity.
— Raphael ZernoffBeing more self-aware means welcoming more light into a dull life. When we throw light upon our self-perceptions, we immediately realise that the light has always been there, yet we had created an illusion of darkness.
— Raphael ZernoffDo not freak out when you lose your friends, partners, lovers, family, job and experience physical challenges. It is a temporary time of recalibration. It will balance itself out, when you allow your fears to transform in a loving way, as they now push to the surface seeking your recognition, and validation.
— Raphael ZernoffThe idea of death has been associated with the fear of the unknown, and the punishment or reward for our life choices. There is no punishment, and there is no reward. We punish ourselves instantly, when we choose to be destructive. We reward ourselves, when we choose being our loving selves.
— Raphael ZernoffThe now reality is our only home, where everything already is. There is no other home we came from, and we might think we shall return to.
— Raphael ZernoffHuman life is designed as a self-study program.Existence is always one undivided. It is what we often call the Light. It is a pure consciousness of unconditional love. Out of the Light the idea of darkness is created. There is no existence of light and darkness, as separated energies. The separation is illusionary.Experiencing ourselves as humans is an exploration of the greater Self in a localised condition. A dense reality is created to facilitate the idea of forgetfulness. Now we collectively entered a new time of remembering. It is not necessary anymore to create the illusion of self-disconnection from the energy source.
— Raphael Zernoff