You must stay focused, concentrating on the work at hand. Consistency makes the rain drops to create holes in the rock.

— Israelmore Ayivor

No struggle, no success! The strongest thunder strikes often bring the heaviest rainfall! The weight of your fulfillment depends on how wide you cast your nets!

— Israelmore Ayivor

The umbrella won't stop the rain, but it will help you to get out during rainfall. As well as confidence is not going to guarantee your success, but it will give you the opportunity to achieve it.

— Eyden I.

She fell into his arms like the rainfall over an ocean.

— Akshay Vasu

The umbrella won't stop the rain, but it will help you to get out during rainfall. As well as confidence is not going to guarantee your success, but it will give you the opportunity to achieve it...

— Eyden I.

If you leave your soil untilled, you will not benefit from God’s rain. Even if God pours down a heavy rainfall, it will only grow weeds on your land.

— Israelmore Ayivor

No struggle, no success. The stronger the thunder, the heavier the rainfall.

— Israelmore Ayivor

Trees are affected by many factors. Global warming is changing rainfall, humidity, air composition, solar radiation, heating and cooling. Plants are sensitive to any of these factors. When all of the factors start to change at once, it may lead to devastation in the plant world.

— Steven Magee

God is willing to help you with the rain if only you can sow your crops.

— Israelmore Ayivor

The mist after rain, uninterrupted rainfall on rooftops, pitter-patter intellect. The thoughts I leave behind like footsteps.

— Chris Campanioni