Of course you did.' I took a step closer. 'You have strengths, Tavish, that I greatly admire. You're skills helped saved Rafe's and my lives, for which I'll always be indebted to you. But there are other kinds of strength too. Quiet, gentle ones that are just as valuable, even if you don't entirely understand them.

— Mary E. Pearson

If ever there were three mismatched riders, it was us- the crown prince of Dalbreck, the Assassin of Venda, and the fugitive princess of Morrighan. Sons and daughter of three kingdoms, each bent on domination of the other two.

— Mary E. Pearson

I will find you.In the farthest corner, I will find you.

— Mary E. Pearson

You have to make your peace with Kaden, and he with you. You are not on opposite sides anymore. Do you understand?

— Mary E. Pearson

Why did you tell me all this?'So if I die, you'd know not to come looking for me when you get to heaven.

— Lorraine Heath

We already had three steps behind us.'Hold on, Lia,' I whispered. Hold on for me.

— Mary E. Pearson

Remember what I said when I led to Omar and the queen?' I bobbed my head, unable to look away from his jewel-like eyed, shining in the darkness...So much like Chorda's. 'That was the lie. Good-bye, Lane,' he said and then crept into the darkness.

— Kat Falls

You’re beautiful when you do that.”She dropped her gaze to his. “What’s that?”“Smile.

— Airicka Phoenix