I've decided to retire from top class racing. It has been an incredible experience and has provided with me some unforgettable moments.

— Sete Gibernau

Faster is fatal, slower is safe.

— Amit Kalantri

What I know about auto racing could be inscribed with a dry Magic Marker on the lip of a Coke bottle.

— David Foster Wallace

Simply racing a Formula 1 car is an achievement.

— Sebastian Vettel

In racing, they say that your car goes where your eyes go. The driver who cannot tear his eyes away from the wall as he spins out of control will meet that wall; the driver who looks down the track as he feels his tires break free will regain control of his vehicle.

— Garth Stein

You can easily die racing to cover a bank robbery as you can in a war zone.

— Jessica Savitch

Most fellas like the races, though, Miss. It’s only human nature.

— Sara Sheridan

We were racing at circuits where there were no crash barriers in front of the pits, and fuel was lying about in churns in the pit lane. A car could easily crash into the pits at any time. It was ridiculous.

— Jackie Stewart

When you are fitted in a racing car and you race to win, second or third place is not enough.

— Ayrton Senna

But my passion is racing cars. It's what I like to do in my off time.

— Mark-Paul Gosselaar