Every problem is a new puzzle.

— Lailah Gifty Akita

My goal as a puzzle designer is to create a meaningful experience for the player, not just 'I solved it.'.

— Scott Kim

Pieces of jigsaw puzzle might all be different but when fit in, completes the story. Expecting all pieces to be the same is craziness, completing the puzzle is what you are born for!!!!

— Harrish Sairaman

The world is the puzzle, itself. The one who solves this ‘puzzle’ attains the degree of Parmatma [the Absolute Supreme Self].

— Dada Bhagwan

If the pieces do not fit into your puzzle...Try a different picture.

— Cass van Krah

In one equation you can solve all the puzzles of life. It is the equation of giving.

— Amit Ray

Ever since I was young I enjoyed solving puzzles and having the pleasure to see the bigger picture afterwards. But even after all that, I found that life could be the most challenging puzzle we have to face. It's one of those things that even if you have all the pieces and could see the whole picture, it still takes time and patience to solve it. At times, we feel more at ease not knowing the whole picture, not knowing the whole level of difficulty or number of pieces that we're missing, but just building up one piece at a time. The problem with this approach is that the only clues that we have for matching two pieces are the shape and a small glimpse of the image. We so often find comfort in building up the corners and the borders but very rarely do we adventure in the middle of the puzzle. We'd rather work little by little holding on to our safe border and only move towards the center when the pieces are still in touch with our borders or roots. On the other hand, you could be one of those people that just jumps in the middle and builds up on every piece you have in order to get small portions of the truth of the bigger picture every now and then. Not having your borders or corners in place might mean that you don't need to know your limits in order to realize that the puzzle will one day come to an end. Nevertheless, every piece is equally important and it gets handed to you at a time where you have at least some matching piece. That doesn't mean you should only focus on one point or piece and limit your possible connections. Spread out and you will find even more connections. The truth of the puzzle information comes in different shapes and colors but in the end it's all connected. Information might be divided, spread out in different areas, different people, different experiences. What's important to remember is that every piece is meant for you. You might throw it on the side now and use it later, but it will forever remain a part of your bigger picture. Work on your puzzle, with patience and care in moving forward and with a hopeful spirit that it will all work out in the end for your highest good!

— Virgil Kalyana Mittata Iordache

Famine sometimes increases the number of people who are overweight.

— Mokokoma Mokhonoana

The right loved one will fill up your life like the final puzzle piece that makes it all complete. You feel it when you meet them. Or sometimes if you aren’t mature enough or wise enough, it can take time to discover that they are the right one. Once your jigsaw puzzle is complete, the rest are often just extra pieces.

— Kate McGahan

Puzzles’ are bound to arise for everyone, but how does the puzzle get solved, that much science if people get to know, it is more than enough.

— Dada Bhagwan