It is unwise to waste in thought what could be earned and secured in action.

— A.J. Darkholme

Insanity is starting over a million times, expecting to feel the spark you never did the first time.

— Shannon L. Alder

Just because someone is a keyholder, does not mean they will always help you unlock the door you want to go through – no matter how much you think you deserve to go through it. Sometimes you just have to reach out and take it.

— A.J. Darkholme

If you refuse to accept what is, and choose to see what could be, then you set a course for yourself that makes others take notice of you, respect you, revere you. It is then that they become objects of your destiny instead of you playing a support role in theirs.

— A.J. Darkholme

The most fulfilling adventures happen when you start your journey without knowing where you’re going, because only then are you free to experience the unexpected detours you’re meant to take.

— A.J. Darkholme

Let people be the pursuits of happiness, you be the pursuit of perfection.

— Amit Kalantri

The Media and the internet have taken up the responsibility of molding the young ones amongst us, leaving us to pursuethe careers we treasure.

— Oche Otorkpa

Why spend your life working on defense when no defense can be made truly impenetrable? Take the offensive – learn the vulnerabilities of the world around you and be the change you wish to see rather than living in constant fear of what may happen to you instead.

— A.J. Darkholme

You must always focus on and pursue the good, but when that darkness surges up from within, you need to know how to handle it, use it, and release it wisely, not just deny its presence or acceptability as you suppress it within you.

— A.J. Darkholme

A good leader must have the wisdom to know when a pursuit is no longer worthy of being pursued - a time when the losses of the present must be accepted - and cut - to preserve the gains and providence of the future.

— A.J. Darkholme