All that young-girl idealism is someone else's now.

— Kim Gordon

The word bollocks seems strong, punk rock, and imposing, but in reality, bollocks is always too tame to make much of an impact.

— Jennifer Harrison

Dream-start with dream. Start tonight-become who you want-dream big!' He became animated at this point, 'No money needed for dreams. Dreams are free.

— Brian Joyce

And some people have less star appeal than others, but sometimes they shine far brighter than those with more.

— Mickey Leigh

We are the anarchists your parents warned you about.

— Suzy Kassem

That night, he laid in his bed thinking about all the possibilities. They came like waves in his mind. At first they came slow, then gradually built up speed, cresting into full on dreams, until finally, they broke onto the shore with all of their reality. First dreams, then nightmares.

— Brian Joyce

Punk rock should mean freedom, liking and excepting anything that you like. Playing whatever you want. As sloppy as you want. As long as it's good and it has passion.

— Kurt Cobain

I didn’t know the grim reaper looked like Sid Vicious. – Jen.

— Nessie Strange

In times such as these, life often begs us to seek answers when in reality there are only questions available.

— Brian Joyce

We agreed that at least to some extent the whole punk movement is based on the Buddha's 1st noble truth of suffering & the dissatisfactory nature of the material world. The punks see through the lies of society & the oppressive dictates of modern consumer culture. Very few punks though seem to take it further & attempt to understand the causes & conditions of the suffering & falsehoods, unfortunately punks rarely come around to seeing that there is actually a solution & a path to personal freedom. My own life's experience w/ both Dharma practice & punk rock inspired me to try to bridge the gap between the two. I've tried to help point out the similarities, while also acknowledging the differences, & to show those of my generation who are interested that they can practice meditation & find there the freedom we have been seeking in our rebellion against the system.

— Noah Levine