Only a few short years ago, the average stay-at-home mom spent her relaxation time reading Jackie Collins and staring at the pool boy. Now, half of them are outselling Jackie Collins writing porn about the pool boy.The other half are writing reviews of.

— Pete Morin

Some writers aren't writers, they are mere escapees' and refugees' on an exile from the jungle of thoughts.

— Michael Bassey Johnson

It is proper Netiquette to post pictures with status updates to make them more engaging. NetworkEtiquette.Net.

— David Chiles

Publishing is a business, but journalism never was and is not essentially a business. Nor is it a profession.

— Henry R. Luce

Publishers are businesses and I don’t blame them for that. If they didn’t make money by publishing books, there wouldn’t be any books.

— Johnny Rich

Publishing would be so wonderful without those wretched authors.

— Jonathan Galassi

For a writer it's a genuinely interesting and hopefully profitable era that makes a variety of books available to a variety of readers, extending both what's available and who gets to read it.

— Sara Sheridan

Now, Max, I have told you many times that you are my publisher, and permanently, as far as one can fling about the word in this too mutable world....The idea of leaving you has never for one single moment entered my head.

— F. Scott Fitzgerald

Author branding is the process of positioning an author as the center of attraction and influence, to be the preferred choice in a given theme, style, category, niche or genre.

— Bernard Kelvin Clive

Who is better off? The one who writes to revel in the voluptuousness of the life that surrounds them? Or the one who writes to escape the tediousness of that which awaits them outside? Whose flame will last longer?

— Roman Payne