Sweet wine makes drunk, sour wine (insult) is 'tetelestai'. Life is not about what we have done and become, but how God to be fully glorified.
— indonesia123Big things in the glory of the world mean nothing. Small things in glory of God mean everything. Truly..., size doesn't matter in this world or in the world to come.
— indonesia123Yesterday I was clever so I took the glory for me. Today HE makes me wise so I give the glory to HIM.
— indonesia123Beware ! Heart is too small to feel happy but soul is too big to take glory.
— indonesia123Wear Bow World Bow.
— Dr. Syed Abbas MuttaquiThe newly-minted captain admits the irony between the gold on his shoulders and the lack of gold in his pockets.
— Patrick O'BrianYesterday I was clever, so I took the glory for me. Today He makes me wise, so I give the glory to Thee.
— indonesia123Unfortunately, most followers do not know that they can also become leaders because to them, leadership is confined to an 'assumed' category of people who have authority or social prestige as their background pillows.
— Israelmore AyivorIn this World, there is One Task, that 'Only You' can Do. Only You, Can Keep Your Word.
— Vineet Raj KapoorMen’s economic privilege, their social value, the prestige of marriage, the usefulness of masculine support—all these encourage women to ardently want to please men. They are on the whole still in a state of serfdom. It follows that woman knows and chooses herself not as she exists for herself but as man defines her. She thus has to be described first as men dream of her since her being-for-men is one of the essential factors of her concrete condition.
— Simone de Beauvoir