Valkyrie walked to the back door, which hadn't been closed properly, shut it and locked it. There was now a baby in the house, after all. She couldn't take the chance that a wild animal might wander in and make off with Alice, like those dingoes in Australia. She was probably being unfair to both dingoes and Australia, but she couldn't risk it. Locked doors kept the dingoes out, and that's all there was to it, even if she didn't know what a dingo actually was. She took out her phone, searched the Internet, found a picture of a baby dingo and now she really wanted a baby dingo for a pet.
— Derek LandyMost people who offer their help do it to make themselves feel better, not us. To be honest, I don't blame them. It's superstition: If you give assistance to the family in need... If you throw salt over your shoulder... If you don't step on the cracks, then maybe you'll be immune. Maybe you'll be able to convince yourself that this could never happen to you.
— Jodi PicoultThe future is now.The past is now.Your influence is always now.
— L.H.The mistakes of the world are warning message for you.
— Amit KalantriToday is a new day! Let today be the day you free your mind from the prison of self doubt. Your thoughts can either hinder you or propel you to the next level. Precautions are necessary to maintain your safety and well-being. But fear and precautions are two different things. When you are afraid your doubt is increased. Do what makes you happy in order to satisfy the core of your existence. Fear: to be afraid of something or someone whether the threat is real or imaginedPrecaution: a measure taken in advance to prevent something from happening, prudent foresightDoubt:a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction.
— Amaka Imani NkosazanaPrudence is precaution, prudence is protection.
— Amit KalantriBe careful what you wish for. Especially out loud.
— Nenia CampbellEnjoy without injury, live without loss.
— Amit KalantriDon't always use prudence for precaution, sometimes use it for progress.
— Amit Kalantri