Dr. Morris soon recognized that the difference between successful and unsuccessful marriages can often be traced to how well couples are able to 'bond' during the courtship period. By bonding he referred to the process by which a man and woman become cemented together emotionally. It describes the chemistry that permits two previous strangers to become intensely valuable to one another. It helps them weather the storms of life and remain committed in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, for better or worse, forsaking all others until they are parted in death. It is a phenomenal experience that almost defies description.
— James C. DobsonYou put yourself in a tight corner of failure if you think 'it's only the rich that get richer while the poor get poorer'. No! Something good can come out from you no matter who you are, what you have done and where you have been to!
— Israelmore AyivorThis is a world where the educated get richer and the uneducated get poorer.
— Harry H Harrison