You want a friend in this city? [Washington, DC.] Get a dog!

— Harry Truman

Politics is the only art whose artists regularly disown their masterpieces.

— Raheel Farooq

When a political opponent resorts to the racist card, it's a sure sign of moral bankruptcy: there's no decent argument left in the armoury.

— Alex Morritt

Our politicians always show lame excuse to defend their cripple decisions.

— Munia Khan

The president has kept all the promises he intended to keep.

— George Stephanopoulos

New Rule: Stop asking Miss USA contestants if they believe in evolution. It’s not their field. It’s like asking Stephen Hawking if he believes in hair scrunchies. Here’s what they know about: spray tans, fake boobs and baton twirling. Here’s what they don’t know about: everything else. If I cared about the uninformed opinions of some ditsy beauty queen, I’d join the Tea Party.

— Bill Maher

Man is the only animal that laughs and has a state legislature.

— Samuel Butler

Godwin's law states that the longer any online debate goes on, the likelier it is that someone will play the Nazi card. It's the rhetorical equivalent of going nuclear and stupid at the same time.

— John P. Avlon