I had, therefore, to resign myself to commissioning a duplicate from a jeweller in Madrid. They did the work very nicely. The claws are curiously shaped, but the true marvel is the stone; it is so very limpid and weighs many carats, but notice also how it is hollowed out! You see that drop of green oil which takes the place of the internal tear? It is a drop of poison, an Indian toxin which strikes so rapidly and so corrosively that it only requires to come into momentary contact with one of a man's mucous membranes to rob him of his senses and induce rigour mortis.'It is instant death, certain but painless suicide, that I carry in this emerald. One bite' - and Ethal made as if to raise the ring to his lips - 'and with a single bound one has quit the mundane world of base instincts and crude works, to enter eternity.'Look upon the truest of friends: a deus ex machina which defies public opinion and cheats the police of their prey...'He laughed briefly. 'After all, we live in difficult times, and today's magistrates are so very meticulous. Salute as I do, my dear friend, the poison which saves and delivers. It is at your service, if ever the day should come when you are weary of life!
— Jean LorrainAn unhappy woman with access to weed killer had to be watched carefully.
— James RuddickYou're one to talk about talking crap, Forester.' Dunstan's voice interrupts the memory, and I can't help but feel a little grateful. 'Accusing my dad of poisoning the swamp? What a bunch of bull.'It's not bull,'I snarl. 'Your dad's dumping trash into the swamp and you know it!'Dunstan finally loses it and stands up. The boat tilts dangerously. Melanie and the twins shriek, grasping the sides like they're glued to them.'You two sit down this minute!' Babette bellows. She's holding onto the motor for dear life. Neither of us listens.'You wanna run that by me again?' Dunstan growls. His fingers curl into fists.'Your. Dad. Is. Poisoning. The. Swamp.' I let each word out slowly like Dunstan's a dumb little kid who needs help understanding.
— Colleen BoydUSA schools know that computer electromagnetic interference (EMI) emissions, WiFi and campus cell towers are radiation poisoning the children and the government is determined to keep on doing it.
— Steven MageeEven poison has an expiry date.
— Ljupka CvetanovaIf the humanity does not poison the minds of the children with all sort of religious craps, the new generations of humanity will soon create a new world order where reason and logic will be the sole guide, the sole savior!
— Mehmet Murat ildanI hold the biscuits in front of his face and he stands up.'What do I have to do?' he says.'Nothing,' I say. 'They're for you.'Are they poisoned?' he says.'No,' I say.'Eat one,' he says.So I do.'Probably the others are poisoned,' he says. 'Eat a fraction of each.'I eat a corner off each biscuit. He looks at the reminders suspiciously, then sniffs them.'I'm not sure it's worth it,' he says. 'How I wish you'd never come. Perhaps you've left the poison off of just those corners.'I begin to realize I'll doubt whatever information he gives me.'Lick the entire biscuit,' he says. 'Then give them to me.'So I lick each biscuit.'Both sides,' he says.I lick both sides of each biscuit. I give him the wet biscuits and he cracks them open and sniffs them. Then he puts them in his pocket. 'What do you want?' he says. 'Now that you've failed to poison me to death.
— George SaundersLike fear and fury. It is energy from another realm, threads from beneath the surface, an immortal place never meant to be disturbed. Raffaele trembles.Something is poisoning the world.
— Marie LuI mean, I have the feeling that something in my mind is poisoning everything else.
— Vladimir Nabokov