Nearly everyday life leans over and says, ‘Come on down!’ But standing at the bottom looking up, it’s finally dawned on me that it’s not these invitations that have dug this hole. Rather, it’s the fact that I accepted them.

— Craig D. Lounsbrough

Yesterday, she shed tears, keeping her head on my shoulders. And I think she's not going to be fine because I know she won't. Because a couple of years back, I wasn't.And when you know that you've fallen hard on a cold ground and are still lying there, what do you tell others who are taking the fall?You close your eyes. You accept to lie there a little longer. But I lie on my bed now, and it's a little too warm today.

— Sanhita Baruah

Sometimes in the quest of searching the stars in others eyes, we fall into the never ending pit of darkness.

— Akshay Vasu

If heaven was hot and hell was chilly, tell me, why would you go to heaven?

— Michael Bassey Johnson

More times than I can remember I look around and I ask why the hole I’m in looks so strangely familiar. Probably because it looks a whole lot like all the other ones I dug before I got around to digging this one.

— Craig D. Lounsbrough

My pit of love is too shallow, I can't fall deep.

— Cecil Thounaojam

Mediocrity is a pit that swallows people who have rested on seats of complacency for long.

— Israelmore Ayivor

Each person carries around in himself a terrible other world of hell and the unknown. It is an enormous pit reaching below the deepest crater of the earth, or it is the thinnest air far beyond the moon. But it is frightening and essentially “unlike” man as he knows himself familiarly, so we spend all our days living at the other antipodes of ourself.

— Patricia Highsmith

Success is likened to a deep pit, you have to jump in to get it, then you'll need a ladder of grace to climb out to enjoy it.

— Michael Bassey Johnson

I am in the Pitte, but I have gone so deep that I can see the brightness of the Starres at Noon.

— Peter Ackroyd