More than jealousy or possessiveness pettiness kills love.

— Marty Rubin

You can't discuss the ocean with a well frog - he's limited by the space he lives in. You can't discuss ice with a summer insect - he's bound to a single season.

— Zhuangzi

To lead a life that goes beyond pettiness and prejudice and always wanting to make sure that everything turns out on our terms, to lead a more passionate, full, and delightful life than that, we must realize that we can endure a lot of pain and pleasure for the sake of finding out who we are and what this world is, how we tick and how our world ticks, how the whole thing just is.

— Pema Chödrön

Gradually the feeling wears off, and I feel swamped again by the inexplicable pettiness of being alive.

— Sebastian Faulks

He was going to hurt the people he hated, but inside he didn't feel any real sense of satisfaction. He hated them all the more for having made him feel so small, so petty and mean, which was all he felt just then. But it wasn't enough to stop him.

— Riccardo Bruni

Your tears are never invisible---there is always an insecure woman that lights up when you point them out.

— Shannon L. Alder

Mankind accepts good fortune as his due, but when bad occurs, he thinks it was aimed at him, done to him, a hex, a curse, a punishment by his deity for some transgression, as though his god were a petty storekeeper, counting up the day's receipts.

— Sheri S. Tepper

We like to stress the commonness of heroes. Essences seem undemocratic. We feel oppressed by the call to greatness. We regard an interest in glory or perfection as a sign of mental unhealthiness, and have decided that high achievers, who are called overachievers, owe their surplus ambition to a defect in mothering (either too little or too much). We want to admire but think we have a right not to be intimidated. We dislike feeling inferior to an ideal. So away with ideals, with essences. The only ideals allowed are healthy ones -- those everyone may aspire to, or comfortably imagine oneself possessing.

— Susan Sontag

He is, or has been, in many ways a great man. But for this very reason he is odd. It is only petty men who seem normal.

— Umberto Eco

Isn't it kind of silly to think that tearing someone else down builds you up?

— Sean Covey