As with all new inventions, there are upsides and downsides. The commercial drone is no exception. But until robust safeguards have been introduced to protect personal privacy from prying eyes in the skies, the true benefits to society of unmanned aerial vehicles will remain unrealised.

— Alex Morritt

I suddenly remembered that Murray Gell-Mann and I were supposed to give talks at that conference on the present situation of high-energy physics. My talk was set for the plenary session, so I asked the guide, 'Sir, where would the talks for the plenary session of the conference be?'Back in that room that we just came through.'Oh!' I said in delight. 'Then I'm gonna give a speech in that room!'The guide looked down at my dirty pants and my sloppy shirt. I realized how dumb that remark must have sounded to him, but it was genuine surprise and delight on my part. We went along a little bit farther, and the guide said, 'This is a lounge for the various delegates, where they often hold informal discussions.' They were some small, square windows in the doors to the lounge that you could look through, so people looked in. There were a few men sitting there talking. I looked through the windows and saw Igor Tamm, a physicist from Russia that I know. 'Oh!' I said. 'I know that guy!' and I started through the door.The guide screamed, 'No, no! Don't go in there!' By this time he was sure he had a maniac on his hands, but he couldn't chase me because he wasn't allowed to go through the door himself!

— Richard Feynman