If you cannot peacefully coexist with many different cultures and beliefs, then you should probably not be living in the USA.

— Steven Magee

ENDURANCEI don't know you,But I love you,Just as God loves me and you.The sun and the moonAre opposing forces,But they still greet each other,Peacefully,As one awakens in the morning,Just as the other goes to sleep.Life has pounded me downAnd thrashed me around,Time and time again,But I always get right back up,Because I still love life -Just as the earth still lovesThe rain.

— Suzy Kassem

Xuan smiled at the thought of men sleeping peacefully next to those they would try to kill in daylight. Only humanity could have conceived such a strange and artificial way to die. Wolves might tear the flesh of deer, but they never slept and dreamed near their quarry.

— Conn Iggulden

I came here to peacefully show you the way to peace.

— Debasish Mridha

Showing respect for others when they don’t agree with you, and during the times when you don’t agree with them as well, helps to avoid arguments that serve no good purpose. This approach can lead to getting things accomplished peacefully.

— Ellen J. Barrier

When a man is at peace he is a man, when angry he is an animal.

— Amit Kalantri

As I came to power peacefully, so shall I keep it.

— Corazon Aquino

Those who believed in the Good Lord, for whom death was just a journey, and it didn't make them sad at all.

— François Lelord

Be quick to resolve conflicts before they mature to become wars. The energetic crocodile was once a delicate egg!

— Israelmore Ayivor

Words can express true feelings, true emotions and wisdom. It is up to you to use them wisely... Choose your words carefully and express the peacefully!

— Israelmore Ayivor