The hardest part of letting go is the 'uncertainty'--when you are afraid that the moment you let go of someone you will hate yourself when you find out how close you were to winning their affection. Every time you give yourself hope you steal away a part of your time, happiness and future. However, once in a while you wake up to this realization and you have to hold on tightly to this truth because your heart will tear away the foundation of your logic, by making excuses for why this person doesn't try as much as you. The truth is this: Real love is simple. We are the ones that make it complicated. A part of disconnecting is recognizing the difference between being desired and being valued. When someone loves you they will never keep you waiting, give their attention and affection away to others, allow you to continue hurting, or ignore what you have gone through for them. On the other hand, a person that desires you can't see your pain, only what they can get from you with minimal effort in return. They let you risk everything, while they guard their heart and reap the benefits of your feelings. We make so many excuses for the people we fall in love with and they make up even more to remain one foot in the door. However, the truth is God didn't create you to be treated as an option or to be disrespected repeatedly. He wants you to close the door. If someone loves you and wants to be in your life no obstacle will keep them from you. Remember, you are royalty, not a beggar.
— Shannon L. AlderA pause gives you breathing spaceso listen to the whispersof the real youwaiting to happen.
— Tara EstacaanThe principle of art is to pause, not bypass.
— Jerzy KosinskiThe fastest and easiest way to accomplish any task is to do it with minimum breaks and pauses.
— Amit KalantriGod’s simple Blessings are nothing short of miracles. That rain drop trapped in a leaf, that glistening dew drop which has just caught the first rays of a new born sun, that sweet song of the Nightingale, those beautiful wooly clouds with their unique designs (have you ever noticed that clouds never make the same design twice- and we humans struggle to draw something new or write something unique), the pit pit patter of the rain creating a music of its own. These are but some of His Blessings that make me look up in awe at our Creator. So caught up are we in our daily lives with our monotonous routine that we fail to notice the millions of miracles happening all around us. Pause. Look around. Notice. Feel. Life is not just about rushing through. It’s also about taking a break.
— Latika TeotiaWhen you aspire to inspire before you expire, you conspire to inspire even after you pause to respire. Keep pushing it!
— Israelmore AyivorPause, ponder,consult, think through it well, understand the consequence, know the benefit and take a second look at it again for it takes a little mistake to cause a big had I know with a deep regret.
— Ernest Agyemang YeboahI’ve always thought you should be able to freeze time. This way you could hit the Pause button at a really good point in your life so that nothing changes.
— Jennifer NivenPractice the pause. Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you're about to react harshly and you'll avoid doing and saying things you'll later regret.
— Lori DescheneYou cannot fast-forward time, you cannot rewind it, and you cannot pause it; you can only waste or benefit from it.
— Matshona Dhliwayo